North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Facilities - Community FAQs

Before and after school hours and on non-instructional days, school playgrounds and courts are available for casual community use, with the exception of specific joint use amenities such as artificial turf fields (ATFs), which must be scheduled and booked through the North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Commission.

As the school district is often contacted by community members regarding activity on school district property, the section below was created to provide clarity regarding use and assist community members direct their inquiry to the most appropriate contact.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we use the playground, field or other school facilities during the week?

During school hours, all visitors anywhere on school grounds or inside the building must report directly to the school office.

School facilities including fields, tracks, playgrounds and sport courts are not available for public use during school time, as they are used by classes that are in session for instruction and breaks. After 5:00pm on school days, outdoor facilities are available for community use. 

Field rentals are available for booking through North Vancouver Recreation and Culture (NVRC), HERE.

Other outdoor spaces such as basketball courts, sport enclosures and playground spaces on school property cannot be booked. These amenities are available for general community use outside of school hours.

I have noticed people congregating, playing loud music, drinking and loitering on school grounds.

The school district encourages local residents and neighbours to report these situations as they are observed so they can be investigated by calling the North Vancouver RCMP Non-Emergency line: 604-985-1311.

It is important to note that some of our public spaces, such as fields, are subject to Joint Use Agreements, which place the responsibility on partner groups to manage during non-school use time. Should you observe individuals congregating and loitering, we also encourage you to reach out to your municipal bylaw office:

I have noticed damage to the playground, sport courts or school building.

The school district's custodial staff routinely monitor the condition of the school property on instructional days. To report an item that requires maintenance, please email

Due to a high volume of requests, we are not able to respond to each request directly.

Individuals were observed doing one of the following: setting fires, spray-painting graffiti, breaking windows, climbing on buildings, causing damage, or illegally dumping waste materials on school property.

Please contact 9-1-1 for immediate assistance or the North Vancouver RCMP Non-Emergency line: 604-985-1311.

Individuals were observed with their dogs or pets on school grounds.

Dogs and pets are not allowed on school district property, as per municipal bylaws. Should you observe someone not complying with these rules, please report it to the municipality:

City of North Vancouver Bylaw Enforcement:

District of North Vancouver Report a bylaw infraction:

  • 604-990-3711

There is a stray dog or pet on school grounds.

Please report stray animals to the municipality.

City of North Vancouver Animal Control Services:

District of North Vancouver Animal Welfare Shelter:

Wildlife, such as bears, coyotes, cougars, etc., were noticed near or on school grounds.

  • If you see a bear, report the sighting to the North Shore Bear Hotline: 604-990-BEAR (2327).
  • If a bear is threatening, persistent or aggressive, call the Conservation Officer Service (COS): 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP) or RCMP: 9-1-1.
  • If a cougar poses an immediate threat or danger to public safety, call the COS: 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP).

North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |