The Board of Education’s purpose is to enable all learners within the school district to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy society and a prosperous and sustainable economy.
The primary functions of the Board of Education are:
- to set local policy for the effective and efficient operation of schools
- to approve local courses and textbooks
- to hire and assign teachers, supervisory personnel and administrative officers
- to establish teachers' conditions of work
- to manage school district property
- to prepare and approve operating and capital budgets.
In accordance with the School Act, the Board is a corporate body with authority and responsibility to govern the local delivery of public education. Its authority and responsibility rest solely in the corporate Board. Individual Trustees have no individual authority. As members of the corporate Board, trustees are accountable to the public for the collective decisions of the Board, and for the delivery and quality of educational programs and services. A trustee serves the community as an elected representative, but the trustee’s primary task is to act as a member of the corporate Board.
Regularly scheduled School Board meetings are held monthly during the school year and are open to the public. The schedule of meeting dates, times, and locations is available to view on the Public Meetings web page.