Established in 1969, Cheakamus Centre is an
overnight field school and environmental studies facility located on 165
hectares of ecological reserve in Paradise Valley, Brackendale. The Centre is
owned by the North Vancouver School District (NVSD) and offers a range of
environmental and Indigenous cultural programs to children, youth and
adults from the NVSD, Sea-to-Sky corridor, and broader Metro Vancouver region.
The Centre's educational programs support NVSD's vision of providing a rich diversity of engaging and innovative student-centred learning. Reflecting the district's commitment to providing leadership in outdoor place-based learning and sustainability practices, Cheakamus Centre values the opportunity to connect learners to the natural world, and inspire sustainable values and behaviours.

Cheakamus Centre programs are designed around a set of Guiding Principles that help inform program development and delivery while supporting core curricular competencies.
For more information visit the Cheakamus Centre website.
Cheakamus Outreach
During these challenging times, Cheakamus staff have been exploring creative ways to share some of the powerful experiential elements of our programs with students and staff.
Innovative examples of these outreach efforts include:
Outdoor School Program
| Skw'une-was Program
| Counsellor Training Program