Application procedure
To apply to an Academy please visit the NVSD Academy Applications website. Applications are no longer accepted through School
Cash Online.
Final academy
offerings are subject to sufficient enrolment.
Submitting an application form represents interest in attending a North
Vancouver School District Academy. Placement in an academy program is
based on availability, in the event interest in an academy is greater
than available positions, the following priorities will be offered
conditional acceptance:
of acceptance will be sent out in early April, to confirm
acceptance and secure placement in the academy, a deposit is required by the deadline stated in the
acceptance letter. The deposit fees for each academy my differ. Non payment
of the deposit will result in withdrawal of acceptance in the academy.
Withdrawal procedure
A completed Academy Withdrawal Form must be sent by the school to the Academies Office ( to request a withdrawal from an Academy mid-year, and must include signatures of the student, parent/guardian, home school record's clerk and home school counsellor.
Fees will be discontinued or a pro-rated refund applied where determined.
Withdrawal criteria
1. Illness / Injury / Medical
A student requesting withdrawal from an academy for medical reasons should submit a completed Withdrawal Request Form along with a doctor's note. Fees will be discontinued effective the last day of the month in which the Academy Withdrawal Form is received by the Academies Office.
2. Other reasons
A completed Academy Withdrawal Form must be sent by the school to the Academies Office before the 15th of the month, or earlier if the 15th falls on a weekend, to avoid being charged for that month. The withdrawal request will be reviewed by the Academies Office in consultation with the student’s home school. The availability of an alternate course will be determined by the student’s home school. Fees will be discontinued effective the last day of the month if the withdrawal is approved.
Academy Withdrawal Form.pdf