North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Safe and Caring Schools

SafeandCaringSchools.pngProviding safe and caring teaching and learning environments is a fundamental requirement of a quality education system. The North Vancouver School District is committed to enhancing students’ feelings of safety and care, to ensure students are supported to learn, share, grow and succeed.

Since it was created in 2000, the Safe and Caring Schools Committee has worked to provide resources and supports to enhance the safety and nurturing atmospheres of our schools.

All schools follow Safe and Caring Schools: A Guide for Schools. This guide was first created by the North Vancouver School District in 2001 and has since evolved to respond to changing needs.

The 8 Components of Safe and Caring Schools

The backbone of the philosophy in our school district is comprised of the eight components of safe and caring schools. Links to additional information are also included within some of the sections below.

Positive School Climate

Safe and caring schools foster a positive school climate that stems from mutual respect and understanding, and clear and consistent rules and expectations. Positive relationships among students, staff and families are the foundation of a positive school environment.

Code of Conduct and Administrative Procedures

Policy 302 - Student Conduct outlines acceptable student behaviour. Each school must develop its own code of conduct in consultation with students, staff and families. These codes are monitored and reviewed annually and must include the standards upheld by the BC Human Rights Code, the Provincial Standards for Codes of Conduct Order, and the School Act.

NVSD Code of Conduct_Revised May 9 2024

Violence Prevention Curriculum

Violence prevention programs teach social emotional skills such as understanding and managing emotions, setting and achieving positive goals, feeling and demonstrating empathy for others, establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and making responsible decisions. Developing these skills enables students to form positive relationships in all areas of life, which reduces violence, bullying, harassment and intimidation. Read about how the school district works with the RCMP Youth Intervention Unit.

Emergency Management

The North Vancouver School District has a comprehensive emergency management plan. It includes the District Critical Incidents Team and broader community planning, in partnership with North Shore Emergency Management and local police, fire, rescue, health and ambulance services.

Community Support

Ensuring safe and caring schools requires the coordinated effort of the greater community. Developing effective partnerships has, and continues to be, a strength of the North Vancouver School District.

Intervention Strategies and Behaviour Management

Schools use a progressive system of consequences designed to help students learn appropriate behaviours. Consequences for unacceptable conduct are outlined in the school code of conduct; are planned, consistent, and fair; and, whenever possible, are preventative and restorative rather than punitive. More information is available in Policy 302 - Student Conduct. Information about appealing disciplinary decisions is available in Policy 406: Resolving Concerns Regarding Personnel, Programs or Procedures.

Student Empowerment

Students succeed when they are supported to take responsibility of their learning and actions. By nurturing and inspiring students to have the awareness, strength and ability to reach their personal best, students excel personally and as members of their broader learning community.

School communities become stronger, safer and more caring when students feel connected and when they know they are meaningful members of the team. Secondary students are empowered to become involved in educational issues that affect them through the District Student Leadership Council.

The North Vancouver School District also encourages students to walk, cycle or roll to and from school for a healthier mind, body and environment. Read more about the benefits of Safe and Active Travel.

Site Security

Security of school sites is of the utmost importance, and procedures are in place to ensure schools and school grounds are safe and secure. More information is available in Policy 802: Security of Buildings, Grounds, and Other Property.


North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |