North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Emergency Preparedness at Home

Updated: April 2024

​Following an emergency or disaster you may be able to safely stay in your home but might not have basic utilities like power or water. Stores may be inaccessible or out of supplies. Gathering supplies and making a plan in advance will help to reduce stress and keep everyone in your home more comfortable in the event of an emergency. If you’ve been thinking about getting prepared but aren’t sure where to start, below are a few important tips.

1) Build An Emergency Supplies Kit

Stock up on essential supplies; enough for a minimum of three days, and possibly up to a week. You can either make an emergency kit yourself or purchase one (most big box stores sell emergency kits) then personalize it to your own needs.

Recommended supplies include:

  • Water: 4 litres per person per day; minimum of 3 days
  • Food: non-perishable; minimum of 3 days
  • First-aid kit
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Transistor radio and extra batteries
  • Sanitation: garbage bags, toilet paper and wipes
  • Copies of important documents (i.e. insurance papers, identification, health card numbers)
  • Tools: crowbar, shovel, safety googles, face mask
  • Emergency plastic sheeting / duct tape
  • Phone charger and battery bank
  • Seasonal clothing and footwear
  • Medications and personal toiletries
  • Cash in small bills
  • Whistle
  • Customized items (diapers, pet food, etc.)

2) Make A Plan

Where will you meet family members? Who will pick up your children from school if you aren’t able to get there? Who will feed your pet? Talk through these types of scenarios with your family and friends, remembering that the way we typically communicate (cell phones) may be impacted by the emergency.

Additional resources

Learn more about these and other emergency preparedness steps by visiting: 


North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |