North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
News Item

​ March/April 2021

March 13, 2024

The NVSD received direction from the Ministry of Education and Child Care to advance the School District’s capital request for a new Cloverley Elementary School to the Project Development Report (PDR) phase.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care has requested a draft PDR be prepared for review by August 2021. Given the timing, the School District will be engaging a geotechnical consultant to immediately commence with a geotechnical site investigation to develop and advance studies for project options. This will encompass drilling test holes in various locations throughout the entire property including both the current school location and the park site. The site investigation is scheduled for April 19, 20 and 21, 2021.

The NVSD’s geotechnical consultant will endeavour to locate bore holes in locations to minimize impact and disruption to the park. The bore holes will be filled and temporarily repaired following the investigation. The proposed test hole location plan is included below.

Proposed Test Hole Location Plan_28847.jpg