North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learnĀ©
Policy 105: Board of Education - Artists for KidsĀ®
Revised: September 25, 2001
Revised: March 12, 2013


The Board of Education has established the Artists for KidsĀ® 1  (AFK) in order to build a lasting legacy for visual arts programs for the children of British Columbia. The Board has delegated the management of the Artists for Kids to the Artists for Kids Management Committee.
The Artists for Kids is made possible through the generous cooperation of some of Canadaā€™s finest artists. The Artists for Kids has secured the right to sell original prints created by the artist patrons. The proceeds of these sales provide funds that are utilized to purchase and maintain a permanent collection of contemporary Canadian art and to support visual arts programs for students.
The Board has adopted the following objectives for the Artists for Kids:
    • To provide a wide range of fine arts enrichment opportunities for learners in North Vancouver schools
    • To provide a variety of fine arts enrichment opportunities for learners in the community at large
    • To provide scholarships to graduating students from North Vancouver schools who excel in the fine arts
    • To acquire as an educational resource and for the community a permanent collection of contemporary art created by premier Canadian artists
    • To raise funds for the Artists for Kidsā€™ school and community programs
    • To operate and program the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art in collaboration with the Gordon and Marion Smith Foundation for Young Artists 2.
In the event of dissolution of the Artists for Kids, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of the Artists for Kidsā€™ liabilities shall remain with the Board of Education for the purposes of maintaining the permanent collection owned at that time.

Administrative Procedures

Artists for Kids Management Committee
The Artists for Kids shall be managed by the Artists for Kids Management Committee consisting of the Superintendent of Schools (Chair), a Managing Director appointed by the Superintendent, and up to ten (10) directors who are appointed by the Superintendent and at the pleasure of the Board of Education. The appointment of directors shall be in accordance with:
    • One trustee representing the Board of Education
    • One person representing parents or guardians of students enrolled in the School District
    • One representative of the Smith Foundation as appointed by the Board of the Gordon and Marion Smith Foundation for Young Artists
    • Up to four persons who are employed by the Board of Education
    • Up to three persons representing the community and expressing interest in advancing the objectives of the Artists for Kids.
Appointments to the Artists for Kids Management Committee shall be for a two (2) year term.  At the discretion of the Board of Education, the term may be extended for a third year.
Directors may be appointed for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms but then must cease to be a director for at least one (1) year before being eligible for re-appointment.
Where a vacancy occurs during the appointed term, the Board may determine that a vacant directorā€™s position shall have a term of one (1) or two (2) years.  The length of such term shall be at the Boardā€™s discretion. 
The Artists for Kids Management Committee shall meet regularly at the call of the Chair or at the request of a majority of the directors. A quorum shall be a majority of directors.
The Managing Director shall be supervised by the Superintendent and shall receive remuneration in accordance with the relevant contract of employment.
The Artists for Kids Management Committee shall, in the spring of each year, recommend to the Board of Education a budget of expected revenue and planned expenditures for the following financial year, and shall, in the fall, submit an Annual Report to the Board. The Annual Report shall cover the preceding financial year and include a statement of finances, programs/services provided, a summary of acquisitions, sales, marketing, and development activities.
The Artists for Kids Management Committee may, from time to time, establish ad hoc committees and shall define the terms of reference, composition and duration of such committees. 
No director, save the Managing Director, shall receive remuneration for his or her services on behalf of the Artists for Kids. Directors shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred while carrying out authorized activities of the Artists for Kids.
Financial Year and Operations
The financial year of the Artists for Kids shall begin on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June. The financial operations of the Artists for Kids shall be in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for British Columbia school districts as prescribed and permitted by the Ministry of Education.
1 Artists for Kids is a RegisteredĀ® name
2 The Gordon and Marion Smith Foundation for Young Artists is a non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organization.  It was established in 2002 to support the Artists for Kids education program and the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art.
The Foundation supports visual arts programs, enrichment opportunities, and scholarships for students.  It provides funding for the acquisition of contemporary Canadian art to serve as educational resource materials for students in the School District and a permanent and accessible visual arts collection for the North Vancouver City and District communities.

North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |