North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Policy 205: Outdoor School
Revised: September 25, 2001


The Board considers the provision of environmental and outdoor education to be a significant part of a broad educational program.
The Board will operate within the limits of financial capability, an Outdoor School at Paradise Valley. The Outdoor School is intended to give primary focus to residential experiences at the elementary school level, but facilities will also be made available to secondary student groups and to adult groups as time and space permit.

Administrative Procedures

Budgetary Considerations
Budgetary provision for the Outdoor School shall be included in the annual operating budget of the Board. Transportation and food services are to be provided on a cost recovery basis, and to the degree feasible, efforts should be made to recover a portion of other operating costs through rentals and fee charges.
Administration of the Outdoor School
Day-to-day administration shall be provided by the Director of the Outdoor School who shall be responsible to the Superintendent. The duties of the Director shall be similar to those of a principal as defined in the School Act.
Program at the Outdoor School
The program shall be one that emphasizes experiences in the outdoors and shall utilize the natural environment of the site. The program should be a self-sufficient, educational and social experience and a catalyst for further educational experiences.
The Director, together with the visiting and resident teachers, shall determine the program for the group of students who will be attending each particular week, and teachers who accompany the students to the Outdoor School shall also be instructors in the program.
    • The program shall be essentially a program for elementary students; however, if space is available, secondary students may be accommodated
    • Principals shall ensure that the students receive pre-instruction in regard to the program, the environment and the expected conduct
    • Pupils shall conform to the guidelines for conduct established in the Students’ Handbook
    • On the basis of one teacher for each class, students shall be accompanied to the Outdoor School by a teacher from the home school
    • Counsellors will generally be selected from students enrolled in Grades 10 - 12.
    • The Director shall recommend to the Superintendent the fees North Vancouver students will pay for attendance at Outdoor School during the ensuing school year and a fee schedule for other user groups
    • Upon the recommendation of the principal of a school, the appropriate Assistant Superintendent is authorized to waive all or part of the fees of a student who is unable to pay the required levy
    • Student counselors shall be exempt from fees.

Priority for weekend or summer use of the facility shall be given to North Vancouver groups in the following order:

    • Student groups from North Vancouver schools
    • Teacher groups from the North Vancouver School District
    • Other youth groups
    • Senior citizens
    • Other non-profit organizations.
The school may be used by other than North Vancouver residents in the following priority:
    • Youth groups
    • Senior citizens
    • Other non-profit organizations.

Annual Report
The Director shall prepare for presentation to the Superintendent an annual report for the preceding school year. The annual report should contain such information as:

    • Number of schools, classes and pupils participating at the Outdoor School
    • Number of student counsellors participating
    • Number of teachers from the home schools participating 
    • A sample schedule of activities of a student group
    • Number of groups and persons involved in summer and weekend use
    • Details of changes in school facilities and program from previous report
    • Costs of food and food services
    • Summary evaluation of the program from students, counsellors and teachers.

Resource Links

Policy 613: Sustainability

Policy 806: Outdoor Learning Spaces