North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Policy 401: Board-Community Relations
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Revised: September 25, 2001
Revised: March 8, 2016 (References to Parent Advisory Council changed to Parents' Advisory Councils)


The Board and the School District operate most successfully with the support and involvement of knowledgeable and informed members of the School District’s various "communities". The quality of education is highly influenced by the beliefs held in the community at large and the extent to which the community is able and willing to support the schools and Board’s programs and services.
In developing and adopting its policies, the Board requires a variety of avenues for assessing the needs and desires of the entire community.
The Board shall ensure, to the best degree possible, that parents, the community at large, and School District employee groups are provided with timely information and opportunities for meaningful interaction with the Board.
The Board recognizes the key role played by the media in keeping the public informed about school and School District activities and issues. The Board will have in place procedures to develop and maintain strong relations with the media based on openness, fairness, accuracy of information, consistency and continuity.
Parents' Advisory Councils in schools and the School District Parents' Advisory Council are recognized and supported as vital links in Board-community relations.
The Board shall provide opportunities for individuals or groups to make representation to the Board or to contact individual Trustees.

Administrative Procedures

Coordination of Communications with the Community
The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that parents, members of the public, and School District employee groups are aware of current educational issues under consideration by the Board and of School District objectives and accomplishments. The Superintendent shall also devise and utilize a variety of methods of assessing community support for Board policies and administrative procedures and shall provide information to the Board as required.
In order to assure effective communications, the Superintendent shall:
    • Maintain a positive and active working relationship with members of the media
    • Keep open lines of communications with the School District Parents' Advisory Council
    • Meet regularly with representatives of School District employee groups
    • Publish a North Vancouver School District Annual Report
    • Provide prompt responses to inquiries or statements of concern from members of the public
    • The Superintendent shall develop a plan to manage communications in a crisis situation.
News releases intended to represent the corporate position of the Board must be authorized by the Superintendent. The Superintendent will consult with the Board Chair in developing such releases.
Effective Communications between Schools and the Community
The principal of each school shall keep the school’s public aware of items of current interest, changing curriculum, school objectives, and school achievements. Parent-teacher conferences, parent information nights, open houses, parents' advisory council meetings, school Web sites, and newsletters are considered appropriate means for enhancing community awareness.

North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |