North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Policy 603: Closure of Schools Due to Extreme Weather Conditions
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Revised: September 25, 2001


While the Board has the responsibility under the School Act to provide education to students on regularly scheduled instructional days, the safety of students and staff must be given the highest priority given the unusual circumstances presented by extreme weather conditions.

Administrative Procedures

Authority to Close Schools
The Superintendent (or when unavailable, an Assistant Superintendent) has the authority to close or delay the opening of a school or schools due to extreme weather conditions, if after consulting with appropriate other authorities, it is apparent that the safety of students and staff is in question.
Extreme Weather Conditions Which Occur during the School Day
The principal of a school may contact the Superintendent or an Assistant Superintendent should a severe weather condition such as a snowstorm develop during the school day and should the principal become concerned about the safety of students and staff when travelling home.
In consultation with the Superintendent or responsible administrators, the principal may close the school early in the above circumstance. The principal is responsible for ensuring students are not released early from the school’s supervision unless reasonable and age-appropriate provisions are made for safe return home.
Extreme Weather Conditions Which Develop Overnight
Should extreme weather conditions such as a severe snowstorm develop overnight, the Superintendent may decide to close schools or delay their opening after consultation with appropriate authorities.
The Superintendent shall make the final decision regarding school closure. After making the decision to close schools or delay opening, the Superintendent shall inform radio and television stations regarding the details of the closure and request that an announcement be made by the news media. Should unfavourable conditions continue, the Superintendent shall provide appropriate notification to various media outlets. A decision to reopen will be communicated in the same manner.
In the event of a school closure, administrative officers, exempt staff, non-teaching and teaching staff are expected to make every reasonable effort to attend their place of work. If unable to attend, staff members should contact their immediate supervisor.

North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |