North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Policy 611: Privacy
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Adopted: November 22, 2005
Revised: May 27, 2014
Revised: December 6, 2022

Policy ​


The Board of Education is committed to ensuring the privacy, confidentiality and security of all personal information it collects, uses, discloses and maintains in connection with its programs and activities. The Board complies with the British Columbia School Act (“School Act”) and the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”) in relation to the protection of privacy. This Policy sets out the Board’s commitment, standards and expectations regarding the appropriate practices for the collection, use and protection of personal information.


The Board and all Staff shall uphold the privacy, confidentiality and appropriate use of personal information in compliance with the School Act, FIPPA and the Privacy Policy and Administrative Procedures, including by:
  • being open and transparent about the purposes for which personal information may be collected and used;
  • collecting and using personal information only as necessary to carry out authorized programs and services;
  • sharing personal information internally with Staff only on a need-to-know basis, as authorized or required under FIPPA, the School Act or other applicable laws;
  • sharing personal information with third parties with the knowledge and consent of affected individuals, unless otherwise authorized or required under FIPPA, the School Act or other applicable laws;
  • ensuring personal information is protected against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, loss or destruction; and
  • complying with FIPPA and the Privacy Policy and Administrative Procedures for the accuracy, protection, use, disclosure, storage, retrieval, correction and appropriate use of personal information.


The Board strives to be open and transparent with the community about its programs and services, and has processes to support the timely response to access requests submitted under FIPPA and the proactive release of information of interest to the community.


The Secretary Treasurer has been designated by the Board of Education as the “Head” of the Board for the purposes of FIPPA. As the Privacy Officer, the Secretary Treasurer has overarching responsibility for ensuring compliance with FIPPA and the requirements of the School Act pertaining to student records and the Privacy Policy and Administrative Procedures.


The School District will respond to and, where appropriate, investigate, all complaints it receives under this Policy concerning its personal information management practices. 


​​​a) “Board of Education” means the North Vancouver Board of Education, the corporate body with the authority and responsibility to govern the North ​Vancouver School District and the local delivery of public education. 

b) “FIPPA” means the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Regulations thereto.

c) “Personal Information” means any recorded information about an identifiable individual that is within the control of the School District and includes information about any student or any Staff of the School District or any Board member. Examples include: 

      • Name, address, phone number, personal email address
      • Image (picture or video)
      • Date of birth, grade, school
      • Race, national/ethnic origin
      • Religious or political beliefs or associations
      • Age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status
      • Fingerprints, blood type, DNA information, biometrics
      • Health care, educational, financial, criminal, employment information
Personal Information does not include business contact information, such as business address, email address and telephone number that would allow a person to be contacted at work.

d) “Procedures” means the Administrative Procedures enacted by the Board under this Policy.

e) “Records” include any paper or electronic media used to store or record information, including all paper and electronic records, books, documents, drawings, maps, letters, photographs, audio or visual recordings, computer files, email and correspondence, but does not include a computer program or other mechanism that produces records.

f) “Staff” means all persons employed or engaged by the School District, including independent contractors and volunteers, to carry out its operations. 


British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), R.S.B.C. 1996, c. Part 3
British Columbia School Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 412  sections 9, 79(3)


Administrative Procedure - Social Media - ​To be posted

Directory of Personal Information Banks for School District No. 44 (North Vancouver)

December 6, 2022 Update: The Administrative Procedures for Policy 611: Privacy are being revised to reflect current practices and legislative requirements. On completion, they will be posted to this website.


North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |