North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learnĀ©
Policy 502: School Administrative Personnel
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Revised: September 25, 2001
Revised: October 22, 2002


The Board believes that school administrators fulfill a key role in providing leadership and management services to schools. The Board, therefore, considers it essential to recruit, appoint, develop and retain school administrators who are experienced and capable teachers, skilled in the various components of managerial operations, personally suited to a leadership position, and highly motivated towards improving the educational services of a school.
The Board recognizes school administration as an area of specialization requiring additional education and exceptional human relations and leadership qualities. The Board delegates to the Superintendent the responsibility for the appointment, placement and transfer of Principals and Vice-Principals pursuant to the processes set out in this policy.

Administrative Procedures

Principal and Vice-Principal Designations
The following are the titles used by the School District to designate school administrative positions:
    • Elementary principal
    • Elementary vice-principal
    • Elementary vice-principal (annex)
    • Secondary principal
    • Secondary vice-principal
    • Principal or vice-principal of a specific school or program.


Available positions shall be advertised annually within the School District and in the local daily newspapers or electronic media and may be advertised beyond the Greater Vancouver area. Interested persons shall be expected to submit written applications in response to the advertisement. Nominations by third parties shall not be accepted, but it may be suggested to third parties that they encourage promising candidates to apply. Applicants who are invited to appear for a personal interview shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses related to economy grade transportation, accommodation, and living expenses.
Screening Committee
A Screening Committee shall be established consisting of the following members:
    • Director of Human Resources (chairperson)
    • Assistant Superintendents or their designates
    • Principal(s) named by the Superintendent in consultation with the appropriate school administratorsā€™ group
    • Trustee (Chairperson or designate).
The Screening Committee shall:
    • Review selection criteria and determine the means of obtaining appropriate data relative to the criteria
    • Review written applications and summaries of background data on the applicants, including references and evaluations
    • Establish and submit a short-list of candidates to the Superintendent (list shall be in excess of the number of vacancies anticipated).
The Chairperson of the Screening Committee shall:
    • Establish procedures for collecting and processing applications and checking references
    • Gather background data pertinent to the criteria and present it to the Committee
    • Develop a resume of pertinent data on each short-listed candidate and elaborate upon it for the Selection Committee
    • Advise each short-listed applicant in writing of the disposition of his/her application.

Selection Criteria for Principals and Vice-Principals

The following criteria shall be used in the selection of principals and vice-principals:
    • Evidence of willingness and ability to further the School Districtā€™s philosophy and objectives
    • Desirable personal qualities including:
      • Demonstrated intellectual capacity, scholarship, and a desire to learn
      • High level of enthusiasm and energy
      • Superior quality of oral and written English
      • Strong character, personal integrity, and emotional maturity
      • Strong interpersonal skills
      • Ability to function effectively under stress.
    • Desirable professional qualities and skills including:
      • Commitment to the provision of excellent programs and services to students
      • Superior knowledge and skill relative to teaching and the educational process
      • Exemplary record in teaching and leadership
      • Excellent motivational abilities
      • Experience with and commitment to participatory management and shared decision-making
      • Demonstrated ability to utilize contemporary data management and communication technologies
      • Potential to provide visionary leadership to employees in a school setting
      • Possession of a postgraduate university degree or evidence of recent postgraduate course work.
An additional criterion for candidates for the position of vice-principal shall be the potential for advancement to the position of principal.
Other criteria being equal, special consideration shall be given to applicants who are employees of the North Vancouver School District.
Selection Committee
A Selection Committee shall be established consisting of the following members:
    • Director of Human Resources (chairperson)
    • Assistant Superintendents or their designate
    • Two Trustees named by the Board Chairperson
    • Superintendent
    • Principal(s) named by the Superintendent in consultation with the appropriate administratorsā€™ group.
The Selection Committee shall:
    • Review resumes and consider background data gathered for each of the short-listed candidates
    • Interview the candidates in accordance with procedures established in advance by the Screening Committee
    • Select the successful applicant(s) utilizing the selection criteria for principals and vice-principals
    • Place the successful applicant(s) in a grouping of potential principals or vice-principals for a maximum of one year
    • Advise the interviewed applicants of the outcome of the competition.

Appointment of Principals and Vice-Principals

As positions become vacant the Assistant Superintendents will make appointment recommendations to the Superintendent from groupings of potential principals and vice-principals named by the Selection Committee. An appointment shall be made by the Superintendent.
An appointee shall be offered an Administrative Officer Contract of Employment. The first contract will be for a probationary period of one year. All other contracts shall be for a fixed term that may be renewed at the discretion of the Board. Provisions of the Administrative Officer Contract of Employment shall be consistent with the appropriate legislation and statues. The administrative officer shall be assigned as a principal or vice-principal. The Board may re-assign an administrative officer subject to the terms of the Administrative Officer Contract of Employment.
Placement and Transfer of Principals and Vice-Principals
The Superintendent is responsible to the Board for the establishment and implementation of effective procedures for the placement and transfer of principals and vice-principals. The Superintendent shall provide to the Board for informationa listing of placements and transfers of principals and vice-principals by May 1st, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Assistant Superintendents shall consult with a principal or vice-principal whose placement or transfer is under consideration prior to the final determination. The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents shall consider the following factors when determining the placement and transfer of school administrators:
    • The needs of the school and the School District
    • The length of current assignment in a school
    • The school administratorā€™s expressed preferences
    • The compatibility of administrative style among administrators in the school
    • The potential for professional growth offered by the proposed assignment.
Supervision and Evaluation of School Administrators
The Superintendent shall establish and maintain a comprehensive program of professional development, supervision and evaluation for school administrative officers in order to ensure that the quality of school-based administrative service remains at the highest level possible.

North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |