North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
StrongStart Registration

Programs are on a DROP-IN basis, but they require registration at your primary location(s) to ensure we can take attendance on the days you join that specific location! Be sure to check in with the facilitator as soon as you arrive at the StrongStart BC program – they can assist with this process and answer any questions you might have. You will receive a package of information, including the registration form, from the StrongStart Facilitator. If you complete the registration forms at home, the completed documentation should be given directly to the StrongStart Facilitator as they will complete the remainder of the processes with you and your documentation in-person. Please do not send forms electronically to the facilitators or to our Central Registration department. ​

​​What do you need to register for StrongStart BC?

  1. Please complete the StrongStart registration form. You can complete it when you drop-in on your first day or complete it at home to bring with you on your first day. For students new to the StrongStart BC program, please use the StrongStart Program – StrongStart Student Registration Form.pdf

  2. We require proof of name and date of birth – birth certificate, passport.

  3. We require proof of residence in BC – BC Hydro bill, Telus, or other bill sent to your home address.

  4. Please complete the StrongStart Personal Information Consent Form.

  5. Please bring the completed Registration form and the necessary documents to a StrongStart BC Centre in North Vancouver. For locations and hours of operation, please click here.

Please bring the original documents. We will take photocopies of these documents and return them to you.

Why are these documents required and what happens to them?

  1. This information is required by the Ministry of Education and Child Care to admit a StrongStart BC student into the student information system.

  2. A file folder with these documents will be stored at the North Vancouver School District’s Central Registration office.

  1. By going through the registration process, your child is officially entered into the StrongStart BC database so that attendance can be recorded. By having as many children as possible registered, the Ministry of Education develops an accurate picture of how many children are attending the StrongStart BC program.

  2. The Ministry of Education and Child Care extracts attendance numbers from each StrongStart BC centre. They are only interested in collecting numbers, not personal information regarding your child.

  3. The Ministry of Education will assign your child a Personal Education Number (PEN#). This number follows the child throughout their education in British Columbia.

Additional information

  1. If the child is a Canadian citizen, but the Birth Certificate is from another country, we need a copy of the Citizenship papers.

  2. If the family is in Canada on a Work Permit, we need a copy of it attached to the registration.

  3. If the child is a Permanent Resident, then we need a copy of both sides of the Permanent Resident card.

Please bring the original documents. We will take photocopies of these documents and return them to you.

Where do you register?

Please take the completed Registration and the necessary documents to your local StrongStart BC Centre in North Vancouver. For locations and hours of operation, please click here.


For more information about StrongStart Centres in North Vancouver School District, please contact:

Jeeniece Chand
District Principal, Curriculum, Assessment and Early Learning


North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |