North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©

October 29, 2015

In the Spring of 2012, the North Vancouver Board of Education embarked upon a long-term, multi-channel initiative to facilitate public involvement and awareness of North Vancouver School District land management initiatives and the future possibilities for 11 properties identified as surplus to long-term public education needs. More detailed information is available in the Land, Learning and Livability Update - October 2015.


October 16, 2014

The Land, Learning and Livability Update report for October 2014 has now been published and is available here: LLLOctober2014Update

This report provides a summary of community engagement initiatives on the third year of implementation of the board’s land management process, as well as an updated set of property fact sheets with detailed information on the current status each of the 11 surplus sites in the North Vancouver School District. Information on the status of the Argyle replacement project request is also provided and the report notes that five of the 11 properties are now under long-term lease and provide valuable revenue to help meet budgetary needs across the NVSD.


Jun 18, 2014

The Summary Report for the North Vancouver School District Land Management Planning Process for the Lucas Centre and the Cloverley School and Site (June 12, 2014) was received by the North Vancouver Board of Education on Tuesday, June 17th. Trustees will review the report over the summer in preparation for further consideration of next steps when operations resume in the new school year. The full report is available here.


June 13, 2014

At its June 17, 2014 public meeting, the North Vancouver Board of Education will receive the Summary Report for the North Vancouver School District Land Management Planning Process for the Lucas Centre and the Cloverley School and Site (June 12, 2014) which concludes the School District’s initial community engagement process for the Lucas and Cloverley sites. The Board will review the contents of the report in relation to determining appropriate next steps for these two important sites.

To review the report, please consult the June Board Agenda Package, beginning on page 106. A link to the report is here.


May 15, 2014

On April 16, 2014, the North Vancouver School District hosted two Open House events seeking public input on the redevelopment ideas for the Lucas Centre and Cloverley School sites. A full report of both Open Houses is available here: 04250_Open House 2 Summary Report_14-5-14


October 23, 2013

At the Public Board Meeting on October 22, 2013, John Lewis, Superintendent of Schools, presented the Land, Learning and Livability Community Engagement Update.  It highlights the identification of a lead proponent for the Monteray site, a revised process for the Plymouth facility and site, and progress related to the redevelopment of the former Ridgeway Annex and Keith Lynn sites.  The update also refers to the outcome of the call for Expressions of Interest for land management planning services for the Lucas Centre and the Cloverley School site.

October 17, 2013

The Land, Learning and Livability Community Consultation Update - October 2013 includes a summary of community engagement initiatives since the Spring of 2012, when the North Vancouver Board of Education embarked upon a process to facilitate the public's involvement and awareness in the Board's land management initiatives.  The report summarizes the activities, outreach, and key decisions.


Land Management

The Board of Education's land management planning and engagement processes are guided by the North Vancouver School District's Strategic Plan 2011-2021.

In the Spring of 2012, the North Vancouver Board of Education embarked upon a new, long-term, multi-channel initiative to facilitate public involvement and awareness of the School District's land management initiatives and the possibilities for 11 properties identified as surplus to long-term needs. 

Year I of the Land, Learning and Livability process (January - June 2012) introduced the properties under consideration to the community and invited dialogue and input through public surveys, an open house, municipal leader's workshop, public forum and community conversation on land management ideas and solutions.  By the end of June 2012, more than 150 stakeholders and media had joined the Land, Learning and Livability list-serve, and regular updates on the process were being provided to the greater public through the School District's land management blog. 


September 24, 2012

In the fall of 2010, the Board of Education began a process towards the development of a long-term land management initiative that culminated in the Board's approval of the Surplus Land Retention and Disposition Strategy at its Public Meeting on February 22, 2011.

The Strategy and its guiding principles provided a general sense of direction.  However, the Board believed that the Strategy could be refined and improved through a broad-based community engagement and consultation process.  At its January 24, 2012 Public Meeting, the Board approved the establishment of an ad hoc Community Engagement Steering Committee to develop a comprehensive community engagement process.

The Board approved its Community Engagement Principles, Goals and Decision-Making Framework at its Public Meeting on February 21, 2012.  Over the following four months, the Board engaged in its Land, Learning and Livability, a comprehensive series of community engagement and consultation events and processes, which included advertisements, chat and public dialogue sessions, regular website and blog updates, workshops, meetings, conversations, an open house and an on-line survey.

A key outcome of the Land, Learning and Livability community engagement and consultation processes was the identification of the next steps to facilitate the Board of Education's decision making, either on a per property basis or as groups of properties.  Hence, the Board provided direction to the North Vancouver School District's Executive Committee to review and revise the land management Guiding Principles and incorporate the primary themes identified through the community consultation process.


May 9, 2012

On  April 25, 2012 the North Vancouver School District held an Open House to invite the community to learn more about the School District’s land management strategy. At this interactive event, the Board of Education (trustees) invited citizens to provide input on issues and/or concerns as well as ideas and/or opportunities for 11 properties within the City and District of North Vancouver.

A total of 140 community stakeholders attended the Open House. We invite you to read the April 25th Open House Report to learn about the concerns and ideas that were put forth by members of the community who attended.



February, 2011

By June 2012, the Board found itself in the position of having 11 surplus properties. The Board requested development of a strategy that demonstrates how the varied land management interests are balanced while moving forward in a positive direction. Here is a full copy of the School District's Surplus Land Retention and Disposition Strategy, 2011.


Strategic Plan 2011-2021
Land Management Guiding Principles
Land, Learning and Livability Community Consultation Update - October 2015
Policy 610: Closure of Schools (Permanent)
Policy 805: Disposition of Land or Facilities
Disposal of Land or Improvements Order M193/08 
School Opening and Closure Order M194/08
School Act
School Building Closure and Disposal