North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learnΒ©
2023/2024 Registrations and Transfer Requests

This page includes information about:

  • Continuing students
  • New Registrations - Kindergarten to Grade 12
  • Documents required for all Student Registrations
  • Transfer Requests - Current North Vancouver School District students only
  • Grade 7 to 8 Transfer Requests
  • Feeder Schools
  • Priority placement of students
  • Late French Immersion - Grade 6 entry

All children new to North Vancouver (not currently attending a North Vancouver School District school), must be registered at Central Registration. A parent or legal guardian must submit the form/s and documents (Kindergarten to Grade 12) in person at the Central Registration Office. It is not necessary for the child to accompany the parent to the appointment. At this point we cannot accept scanned/emailed versions of the registration documents.




For students not currently enrolled in the NVSD:

Student Registration form (3 pages)

For current NVSD students (excluding NVOL):

Transfer Request Form

Central Registration Office

Education Services Centre – 2nd Floor
2121 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver B.C.
V7M 2K6

Regular Office Hours:
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday

Summer Office Hours:
July 3 to September 1, 2023:
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday (closed for lunch from noon to 1 p.m.)

The office is closed on B.C. statutory holidays.

Continuing Students

Students currently attending schools in North Vancouver School District are not required to apply annually to continue their registration in their current school, or to transition to high school based on their designated receiving school (see feeder/receiving school list below). 

Kindergarten Registrations

Priority registration time period: October 26 to December 9, 2022 at 4 p.m.

Registrations received following the priority deadline will be placed according to the available space, facilities, resources, or the appropriate educational program required to meet the student's needs and your place of residence.

New Registrations Grade 1 – 12

Registration for priority placement consideration begins: January 23, 2023

Deadline for priority placement: March 3, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Registrations received following the deadline will be placed according to the available space, facilities, resources, or the appropriate educational program required to meet the student's needs and your place of residence.

Please bring the originals, and staff at the Central Registration office will make copies.

Documents required for all student registrations:

1.       Student Registration form

2.       Child's birth certificate, ideally showing parent's names, translated into English if necessary, or Certificate of Indian Status Identification Card.

3.       Proof of address in B.C.

  • Current utility statement: BC Hydro, gas, landline telephone, or internet/cable statement. If you receive these online, please print your most recent statement.
  • If you have just purchased a home, please provide your purchase agreement with subjects removed.
  • If all utilities are included in your rental agreement, please provide a copy of your rental/lease agreement and a current BC Hydro, gas, landline telephone, or internet/cable statement in the landlord's/homeowner's name as per the lease/tenancy agreement.

Please note: If you do not have a formal tenancy agreement (living with family or friends) we require:

  • A letter from the tenant/homeowner verifying this living arrangement including the names of all your family members who are living in their residence and
  • Proof of the residence of the tenant/homeowner (as per accepted documents for renters above)

4.       All relevant original legal documentation involving guardianship – separation, divorce, adoption or guardianship court orders (if applicable)

5.       School report cards, with certified translation in English (if applicable). 

  • Elementary School Registration:  Report cards from the most recent school year
  • Secondary School Registration:  Most recent report card (for Grades 8 and 9) or, for older students, all report cards from Grade 10 to current year

6.       Any Individual Education Plan (IEP), Psycho-educational assessment or medical reports that pertain to the child (if applicable)

7.       Please submit a copy of your child’s immunization record to Vancouver Coastal Health. It can be submitted by email (photo or scan) to: or fax to: 604-983-6883.

Categories of Application

Citizens and Permanent Residents:

​Canadian Citizens – living in B.C.
​Requirements​​At least one parent is a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident and ordinarily resident in British Columbia.
​Required Documents ​See above Documents Required for all New Registrations.

​Permanent Residents/Landed Immigrants
​Requirements​​At least one parent is a Canadian Citizen or a permanent Resident and ordinarily resident in British Columbia.
​Required Documents ​See above Documents Required for all New Registrations.
​And (above and beyond required documents for all new registrations)
  • Student’s passport and Permanent Resident card or landing paper (if the student is a permanent resident)
  • Student’s proof of Canadian citizenship if applicable (Canadian passport or citizenship certificate)
  • Proof of status in Canada for both parents (passport and Permanent Resident card)

​Requirements​​Parent has been lawfully admitted to Canada as a Refugee
​Required Documents ​See above Documents Required for all New Registrations
​And (above and beyond required documents)
  • Refugee Claimant Document and Passport for parents and child

Temporary Residents:

​Parent with a Work Permit
  • Parent has been lawfully admitted to Canada for temporary residence and is authorized to work for a period of one (1) year or more - parent's Work Permit is valid for one (1) year or more
  • Parent is working 25 hours or more per week
  • Student study/visitor record for one (1) year or more (same time period as parents)
  • Immigration documents for the spouse of the parent who will be working

​Required Documents ​See above Documents Required for all New Registrations.
​And (above and beyond required documents for all new registrations)
  • Student's passport
  • Parents' passports
  • Parent's Work Permit Valid for 1 year or greater
  • Student study/visitor record for 1 year or greater (same time period as parents)
  • Immigration documents for the spouse of the parent who will be working in Canada
  • Proof of employment meeting requirements (will include pay stubs and other relevant documents as determined by the District Principal – Administrative Services)

All documentation will be reviewed annually, at minimum, to ensure continued compliance.

​Parent with a Study Permit
  • Parent has been accepted to a degree or diploma program at a public post-secondary institution in British Columbia or in a degree program at a private post-secondary institution
​Required Documents ​See above Documents Required for all New Registrations.
​And (above and beyond required documents for all new registrations)
  • Student's passport
  • Parents' passports
  • Letter of enrolment
  • Proof of payment of fees – receipts for fee payment must be submitted each semester the parent is attending school
  • Timetable of studies
  • Student study/visitor record for 1 year or greater (same time period as parents)

All documentation will be reviewed annually, at minimum, to ensure continued compliance.

Registration Forms will be available the Central Registration office and at

Student Registration form (3 pages)

Transfer Requests

Priority transfer time period: January 23, 2023 to March 3, 2023 at 4 p.m.

The staff at Central Registration will accept transfer requests during this priority period for students currently attending a North Vancouver School District school who wish to attend a different NVSD school or program for the 2022/23 school year as per the following:

  • Grade 7 students who would like to attend a secondary school other than their designated receiving school (see feeder/receiving school list below)
  • Students wishing to change their current program from French Immersion to English
  • Current English Kindergarten students wishing to attend the Grade 1 French Immersion Program (lottery for applicants used to determine entry)
  • Students wishing to attend a different NVSD school

A parent or legal guardian needs to fill out a Transfer Request Form and submit it in person to Central Registration with the required documents listed below.

Documents required:

Proof of address – Accepted Documents are:

  • Current utility statement: BC Hydro, gas, landline telephone, or internet/cable statement. If you receive these online, please print your most recent statement.
  • If you have just purchased a home, please provide your purchase agreement with subjects removed.
  • If all utilities are included in your rental agreement, please provide a copy of your rental/lease agreement and a current BC Hydro, gas, landline telephone, or internet/cable statement in the landlord's/homeowner's name as per the lease/tenancy agreement.

Please note: If you do not have a formal tenancy agreement (living with family or friends) we require:

  • A letter from the tenant/homeowner verifying this living arrangement including the names of all your family members who are living in their residence and
  • Proof of the residence of the tenant/homeowner (as per accepted documents for renters above.
  • When the utility statements are all in the landlords name, secondary proof of address documents maybe required.
Guardianship documentation, if applicable

By completing a Transfer Request Form, the applicant is committed, if the transfer is approved, to accepting any of the proposed receiving schools as indicated on the Transfer Request Form. If, after a transfer has occurred, your address or circumstances change, and you want your child to remain in their current school, or change to another catchment area school, you must submit a new Transfer Request Form. At that time, approval of the transfer request will be based on your place of residence and space availability.

After the March 3, 2023 priority deadline, the staff at Central Registration will only accept transfer requests for students currently attending a North Vancouver School District school who wish to attend their catchment area school. For all other transfer requests, parents/guardians will need to speak to the Principal of the school the student is currently attending.

Please Note: International students must contact the International Department to discuss any changes to their school placement; these inquires are not processed by Central Registration.

Transfer Request Form (Fillable)

Transfer Request Form (Print and Fill)

Grade 7 to 8 Transfer Requests

If a Grade 7 students would like to attend a secondary school other than their designated receiving school (see Feeder/Receiving School list below), the following procedures apply. A parent or legal guardian must complete a Transfer Request Form and submit it in person, with the required documentation (proof of address & guardianship documentation, if applicable) to the Central Registration office between January 23 and March 3, 2023 at 4 p.m. Placement will depend on space and facilities availability.

For example, if a student attends the Grade 7 French Immersion program at Sherwood Park Elementary School, they would automatically feed into the Grade 8 French Immersion program at Windsor Secondary School. If the student wants to attend Seycove Secondary School because it is their catchment secondary school (English program), then their parent/legal guardian would need to submit a Transfer Request Form and documentation before the March 4, 2022 deadline.

Elementary Feeder Schools and their Designated Secondary Receiving Schools

French Immersion Feeder Schools     

French Immersion Receiving Schools

​Elementary School      
​Secondary School
​Boundary (LFI)                                 
Larson (EFI)
Ross Road (EFI)
​Argyle Secondary School
​Braemar (EFI & LFI)                                     
Cleveland (EFI)
​Handsworth Secondary School 
​Dorothy Lynas (EFI)                                  
Sherwood Park (EFI)
​Windsor Secondary School
​English Feeder Schools

​English Receiving Schools
​Elementary School​Secondary School
Lynn Valley
Ross Road
Upper Lynn
​Argyle Secondary School
Queen Mary
​Carson Graham Secondary
​Canyon Heights                                          
​Handsworth Secondary School
Cove Cliff                                                       
Dorothy Lynas
Sherwood Park
​Seycove Secondary School
​Sutherland Secondary School
Seymour Heights
​Windsor Secondary School

Priority Placement of Students

Registrations received prior to the deadline (on/or before December 30, 2021 at 4 p.m.) will be placed according to priority placement criteria - please see below. 

Effective date of registration is entered when all required documentation has been received. A registration without all required documents will be pending until all the required documents are submitted.  

Priority for placement of students in Full Day English program

Priority 1 β€“ In Catchment area with sibling already attending same school

Priority 2 β€“ In Catchment area

Priority 3 β€“ Out of Catchment area with sibling already attending same school/program

Priority 4 β€“ Out of Catchment

Priority 5 β€“ Out of District

Registrations received following the deadline (after March 3, 2023 at 4 p.m.) will be placed according to space and facilities availability and the date the registration was received.

New student registrations received following the priority deadline will be placed according to the available space, facilities, resources, or the appropriate educational program required to meet the student's needs and your place of residence.

French Immersion

Late French Immersion - Grade 6 Entry

Late French Immersion is designed for non-French speaking students. Following two years in Grade 6 and 7 at the elementary level, Late French Immersion students complete their bilingual program with their peers from the Early French Immersion program at a secondary French Immersion school. After September 30, 2023, we will no longer accept new registrations for entry into the Late French Immersion program for the 2023/24 school year.

A parent or legal guardian must submit in person a completed Late French Immersion Registration Form to the Central Registration office, with guardianship documentation, if applicable.

Priority for placement of students in Late French Immersion (LFI) program

Priority 1 β€“ Siblings of French Immersion students already attending same school or secondary school (French Immersion Program: if applying for LFI Boundary, sibling attends Boundary FI or Argyle FI / if applying for LFI Braemar, sibling attends Braemar FI or Handsworth FI)

Priority 2 β€“ Lottery for the remaining students – classes are filled by lottery order respecting the 1st and 2nd choices (applicable at entry point Grade 6) – excluding Out of District applicants

Priority 3 β€“ Out of District- placed at the end of the process

Late French Immersion Registration Form (Fillable Form)

Late French Immersion Registration Form (Print and Fill)

Grade 1 French Immersion (Grade 1 Entry)

A parent or legal guardian must submit in person a completed Transfer Form to the Central Registration office, with guardianship documentation, if applicable.

Priority for placement of students in French Immersion program – Grade 1 Entry

Priority 1 β€“ Siblings of French Immersion students already attending same school (French Immersion Program)

Priority 2 β€“ New registrations coming from a French Immersion Kindergarten program outside of the NVSD, wanting to continue in French Immersion

Priority 3 β€“ Transfer requests and new registrations for children currently in English Kindergarten classes. Lottery for these students – classes are filled by lottery order respecting the 1st and 2nd choices

Priority 4 - Current NVSD French Immersion Kindergarten students who have applied for a transfer to another NVSD French Immersion school for Grade 1

Priority 5 - Out of District- placed at the end of the process

Registrations received following the deadline (after March 3, 2023 at 4 p.m.) will be placed according to space and facilities availability and the date the registration was received.

Transfer Request Form (Fillable)

Transfer Request Form (Print and Fill)

Students new to the North Vancouver School District must also submit the Student Registration Form and documents to Central Registration.

For further information, please contact: or call 604-903-3368.


North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |