North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Key Dates
2024/25 transfer requests for Grades 1-12 is ongoing. Initial 2025/26 transfer requests for Grades 1-12 begins January 6, 2025 , and ends March 7, 2025 . Transfer requests received after March 7, 2025 will be placed in schools based on catchment where space is available.
Key Dates

2024/25 transfer requests for Grades 1-12 is ongoing. Initial 2025/26 transfer requests for Grades 1-12 begins January 6, 2025, and ends March 7, 2025. Transfer requests received after March 7, 2025 will be placed in schools based on catchment where space is available.

2024/25 transfer requests for Grades 1-12 is ongoing. Initial 2025/26 transfer requests for Grades 1-12 begins January 6, 2025, and ends March 7, 2025. Transfer requests received after March 7, 2025 will be placed in schools based on catchment where space is available.


Transfer requests are for students who are currently registered at a NVSD school and wish to attend a different NVSD school. This includes:

  • Grade 7 students who would like to attend a secondary school other than their designated receiving school. See Family of Schools for more information.
  • Students wishing to change their current program from French Immersion to English
  • Current English Kindergarten students wishing to attend the Grade 1 French Immersion Program (lottery for applicants used to determine entry)

If the transfer is approved, the applicant is committed to accepting any of the proposed feeder schools as indicated in the Transfer Request Form.

If your address or circumstances change, and you want your child to remain in their current school, or change to another catchment area school, you must submit a new Transfer Request Form. At that time, approval of the transfer request will be based on your place of residence and space availability.

Once the initial placement deadline has passed, only transfer requests for students currently attending a North Vancouver School District school who wish to attend their catchment area school will be accepted. For all other transfer requests, parents or guardians will need to speak to the Principal of the school the student is currently attending.

How to apply for a transfer

All students must be registered at Central Registration. A parent or guardian must submit the required form and documents in-person during the appointment. Only complete applications will be considered for placement or added to waitlists. It is not required for the child to attend this appointment.

Note: International students must contact the International Department to discuss any changes to their school placement; these inquiries are not processed by Central Registration.

Step 1: Gather required documents  

Complete the Transfer Request form, hard copies are available at Central Registration. Please see below a list of documents required for all transfer requests.

Please bring the original required documents, staff at Central Registration will make copies.

Step 2: Book an appointment 

Book an in-person appointment with Central Registration using the online booking system 

The booking system provides appointment times for up to 21 days from the current date. Additional time slots are added on a daily basis. If you are unable to secure an appointment online, please contact Central Registration at 604-903-3444 or

Required documents

Please bring the original physical copies of the required documents to your in-person appointment at Central Registration. Staff at Central Registration will make copies.

  1. Transfer Request form
  2. Proof of address in B.C.  
    • Accepted documents for home owners:
      • Purchase agreement – new home purchase with subjects removed and 
    • Current utility bill (BC Hydro, gas, landline telephone or internet/cable statement) Accepted documents for renters: 
      • Formal rental or lease agreement and a current utility bill (BC Hydro, gas, landline telephone or internet/cable statement) in either the landlord(s)’/homeowner(s)’ or the tenant(s)’ name (as per lease/tenancy agreement) 
      • Note: If the utility bill is in the landlord’s name, a third document will be required. Acceptable documents include a banking statement, BC vehicle registration, renter’s insurance, or a BC ID card. 
    • Please note: If you do not have a formal tenancy agreement (living with family or friends) we require: 
    • A notarized letter from the tenant/homeowner verifying this living arrangement including the names of all your family members who are living in their residence and  
    • Proof of the residence of the tenant/homeowner (as per accepted documents for renters above)
  3. All relevant original legal documentation involving guardianship – separation, divorce, adoption or guardianship court orders (if applicable)

North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |