North Vancouver School District
the natural place to learn©
Core Competencies

What are the Core Competencies?

The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, social and emotional skills that all students enhance and develop  to engage in deep and meaningful learning.The three Core Competencies of Thinking, Communicating and Personal and Social Responsibility are at the centre of British Columbia's curriculum and assessment and are referenced on a daily basis in classrooms. The competencies are not taught independently; they are integrated into teachers' lessons and assignments. The Core Competencies are regularly embedded within the Big Ideas and concepts in all curricular areas which allows students to develop and connect these key skills across all subjects.

How is student goal setting and self-assessment on the Core Competencies communicated?

Students have opportunities throughout the year to practice goal setting and self-assess and describe who they are as learners, document their progress, and share their accomplishments in a holistic manner. Through this ongoing process, students develop their ability to reflect, set goals, identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and gain greater responsibility and ownership of and for their learning. Self-assessment  and reflection of the Core Competencies brings together learning in a way that profiles the uniqueness and individuality of each learner.

Teachers support students' understanding of themselves as communicators, thinkers, and personally aware and socially responsible citizens by consistently noticing, naming, and nurturing the Core Competencies and connecting them to what the students  are learning. Students work on self-assessment of the Core Competencies throughout the year. These competencies are integrated into lessons on a daily basis and are embedded in the big ideas in all curricular areas.

Teachers are not required to evaluate students in relation to the Core Competencies, as it is created by the students to help them understand themselves as a learner. Students, teachers, and schools have flexibility and choice in the format of how they communicate the student goal setting and self-assessment, ensuring that it is meaningful and age appropriate. Self-assessment of the Core Competencies brings together learning in a way that profiles the uniqueness and individuality of each learner. At each written Learning Update (report card) the school or teacher will describe how the Student Goal Setting and Self Assessment of the Core Competencies has been communicated to families. We encourage families to review the self-assessment with their student, focusing on their accomplishments and future goals.

For more information about Core competencies, please visit the BC Curriculum - Core Competencies web page.


North Vancouver School District

2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2K6 | 604.903.3444 604.903.3445 |