École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Communicating Student Learning - Learning Updates

​​​​​​Learning Updates and Summaries of Learning

(Report Cards)

​​Communicating Student Learning​ 2024-2025

​Monday, December 9, 2024 Learning updates published
Monday, March 10, 2025 Learning updates published
Wednesday, June 25, 2025 Final learning updates published

​​Tip!  Please print and/or save a copy of your student's report card.
Report cards are removed each year from ​the MyEd Portal on June 30th. 

​The Ministry of Education removes report cards from the MyEd Parent Portal each July.​

​Review & Completion


Students with outstanding assignments or those who have not met the intended learning standards may be invited to attend review and completion at the discretion of their classroom teachers. Review and completion occurs over two days at the end of each semester. Please note that attending review and completion is by invitation and the goal of these days is to foster student success through completing outstanding assignments or demonstrating curricular competencies that were not shown by the student earlier in the course. Attending R&C does not guarantee that a student will be given credit for a course and is not a substitute for regular attendance and engagement in class. If you have further questions, please speak with your student's classroom teacher.

MyEducation BC Portal Access​:

​​Please ensure your accounts and passwords are up to date prior to the publishing date. Each parent or guardian will have their own separate account as long as they have separate email addresses.

To Access the MyEducation BC System:

1. Visit https://www.myeducation.gov.bc.ca/aspen/logon.do.   We recommend that you make this a bookmark and that you use a desktop computer or laptop instead of a mobile device.

2. Make sure popups are enabled for your browser. If you are having trouble in one browser (such as Safari), we recommend trying another browser (such as Firefox).

3. Your Login ID is the email address that you have given to the school. DO NOT copy/ paste the password – the copy process sometimes adds a space. Both user names and passwords are case sensitive. Five unsuccessful log in attempts will disable your account. Passwords are good for 90 days.

4. Enter your user name and password then click "Log On" to access the system. If it is your first time signing in or it has been more than 90 days since your last password change, you will be prompted to change your password immediately. You will also need to enter security information so that in the future you can click "I forgot my password" to receive a new password.

5. Once inside the MyEducation BC system, you can navigate around to view information for your student(s). When reports are published to the Portal, they are accessible in the Published Reports area and will appear as PDF documents. 

PLEASE NOTE: Students that are cross-enrolled in courses outside of Handsworth Secondary, may have more than one report.

 ​6.  IMPORTANT!  Parents/Guardians please print and save report cards because they automatically disappear from the Portal at the end of the school year.

7.   Please see Troubleshooting below if you are having issues.

​Parents New to Handsworth: 

Once your Parent Portal Account is created, you will receive an email from MyEducation BC with instructions about how to log into the MyEducation BC Parent Portal. Please check your email inbox and junk mail for an email from accounts such as sysop@myeducation.gov.bc.ca or admin@myeducation.gov.bc.ca which will include your User ID and temporary password. Content in the email will include the following information: Welcome to the Handsworth MyEducation BC PARENT PORTAL which will allow access to see grades, attendance and other information.

Should you have any questions or concerns about Parent Portal access, please do not hesitate to contact us at handsworth@sd44.ca. Please include your name as well as your Handsworth student's name and the name of any other students that you have within the North Vancouver School District (SD44).

We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. We receive a high volume of inquires in the week leading up to Report Cards being posted so we recommend ensuring that you are able to successfully log in before the report card publication date.

Trouble Logging In?​

Should you have any issues accessing the Parent Portal (and after referring to the tools below), please do not hesitate to contact us at handsworth@sd44.ca. Please include your name as well as your Handsworth student's name, their grade and the issue that you are having (screenshots are great).

We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. We receive a high volume of inquires in the week leading up to Report Cards being posted so we recommend ensuring that you are able to successfully log in before the report card publication date.​

 MyEd BC Parent Portal - how to reset password.pdf

 Parent Portal - Tips and Troubleshooting for parents.pdf

Parent Portal - Parents Assistance Guide.pdf

MyEducation BC Parent Tips and Resources are available HERE.

MyEd Report Card Page.png

Log in option for MyEducationMyEd Sign-in October 2022.png

Parents With a BC Services Card:

Parents who have a MyEducation BC account and a BC Services Card may use their BC Services Card to log in to their MyEducation BC account. If parents choose to log in to MyEducation BC account with their BC Services Card, they will no longer be able to log in to MyEducation BC using a username and password nor can the school office assist with resetting passwords.

Ministry of Education and Child Care Resource Parent User Guide for BC Services Card Authentication

Ministry of Education and Child Care Resource Student User Guide for BC Services Card Authentication

Ministry of Education and Child Care Resource BC Services Card Authentication FAQS​

North Vancouver School District Communicating Student Learning:   https://www.sd44.ca/District/Communicating/Pages/default.aspx

École Handsworth Secondary

1033 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2A7 | 604.903.3600 604.903.3601 | handsworth@sd44.ca