École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Club Day 2015.JPG 

​CLUBS 2024-2025​​

Student Council Club Day 2024-2025

Club Day was held on Wednesday, Sept 18, 2024 at Lunch in the Grand Commons
Over 20 student-led clubs to discover!

New!  ​Save the date, the next Club Day is Tuesday, April 8 at Lunch in the Grand Commons.

​​What is Club Day?

Students can take a self-guided tour of Handsworth's new and existing clubs. These student-created clubs will host individual information booths about their club, and any student interested in joining a club, will have an opportunity to do so. There will be a wide range of clubs for them to choose from.

During Club Day students are welcome to come and take a self-guided tour. The individual student-created clubs host information booths, and any student interested in joining a club can choose from over 20 options. There are clubs for a variety of interests.  Students who are interested in creating a new club are asked to message the 2024-2025 Club Coordinator, Olivia Eddy via MS Teams.​

CLUBS 2024-2025

DAY(s)TIME and Location

​Animal Rights Club
​We are passionate about educating everyone about the rights of animals. The focus is on animal tourism for this year. We also collaborate with community groups working for the benefit of animals. 
Julia Runzer, Helene Grewal, and Aileen Kim

Ms. H. Zhai

Room 1118
Art Club
​A space to create and have fun without  being in a formal course. Members can hone skills and spark creativity. We can work on technical skills, but also games and group projects. It’s a place to make new friends of all grades and backgrounds- no skills necessary! We just want you to have fun. 
​Maya Gauvin, Avisa Davoodabadi, Stella MacNair, and Anna Salomi

Ms. S. Chow   schow@sd44.ca

Room 1058
Astronomy Club

​Fun activities for students who are interested in exploring the universe through hands-on activities like making a miniature telescope and making a constellation map. Exploration of  current astronomical events and discoveries. 
​Helena Bahramirad, Amelie Shen, and Adrina Farkhondi 

Ms. M. Marining   mmarining@sd44.ca

Room 2035
Baby Crew Grade 8
Hip Hop Dance
Grade 8s only - Are you interested in hip hop dancing? Baby Crew members have the option to perform a hip hop dance in the winter and spring dance shows.
Aryana Mehjoo and Sogol Kazimi 

Mrs. S. Droulis

Dance Studio Room 1097
Best Buddies Club

​​Come on into the Learning Services Centre and have lunch and hang out with some of our cool kids.  Come along on some of our outings to Capilano Suspension Bridge or the Vancouver Aquarium. Sometimes we even have treats!

​Kate Foster

Ms. N. Frost nfrost@sd44.ca

Room 1038
Book Club

​A place for students to gather, read books, have quiet discussions, and enjoy some treats.
​Stephanie Lui, Kiara Hirji,  and Helia Bahramirad

Mr. N. Ottenbreit  

Room 2012
Chess Club

​Learn how to play Chess or master your skills. Everyone welcome to join in and have fun.
​Soroush Sajad

Ms. Z. Amiriechimeh

Room 3034
Environmental Club

The Handsworth Global Women’s Issues Club aims to raise awareness about the many challenges women face and create a lasting impact on our school community and the worldwide community of women.

​Create awareness of environmental issues in our world and community. Provide a way that students can make a positive difference working together! 
​​Julia Runzer,  Charlotte Ji, Kian Sameny, and  Ben Nassabeh

Ms. D. Kovanda


Room 2025
Global Women’s Issues Club
​Fundraisers like book sales and Krispy Kreme fundraisers will be organized throughout the year, providing volunteer opportunities for students of all ages and backgrounds.
​Muriel An and Avisa Davoodabadi 

Ms. T. Abernethy

Room 2022
Handsworth TALKS

​Our mission to empower students to feel confident speaking in front of a large audience. Experience topics of public speaking such as presentations, TED talks, and different types of speeches using resources from Toast Masters. Learn how to speak so others will listen.
​Sogol Kazimi and Bella Zhao

Ms. K. Jung
Twice a month

Room 1036
Jack.org club

​We organize events like free hot chocolate and Tim bits to support positive mental health at HSS. We share stories to spark open dialogue about mental health challenges, support, and resources.
Sarah Lee and Abbey Cohen 

Mr. E. Stamper

Room 2033
​First Responders Club
​Learn the skills of being a first responder.  Take an active role in supporting those in need of medical evaluation in our school
​Lizzy Bromley and Chris Gawlick

Ms. E. Toombs​ etoombs@sd44.ca

Room 3035
​Investment Club

​Our club enables students to learn about the core of investing and how much profit you can make by investing. We have guest speakers that also come during the club time and teach the students about their personal background and why investing is so important and a key to success.
​Miel Katsuura, Kayla Bibby, Noah Graham-Cutts and Amir Shadmand

Mr. Worley

on week 1

Room 1036​

Music Club
​Music outreach across different classes in the school, and beyond in the wider community.  
​Paul Wang

Mr. S. Kabok
​Contact Paul Wang
​Music Room 1073
Peer Tutoring Club
​This a student-to-student FREE tutoring program that is offered on a volunteer basis. Tutoring takes place during tutorial, at lunch or after school at Handsworth. Student leaders match up tutors with tutee based on specialty-area.

​Paul Wang and Donna Dehghani


​​Physics Club
We supports students with a passion for physics by hosting interesting discussions, preparation for physics competitions, and practising challenging physics problems. 
​Aryan Naseh and Seyedsoroush Sajadi 

Mr. B. Holt bholt@sd44.ca


2005, 2035, 3011
Pride Club

​Serves to provide a safe place for queer/ LGBTQIA2S+ students with a focus on having fun together.
​Nolan Sissons

Mr. K. Gallant kgallant@sd44.ca and Ms. C. Higgins chiggins@sd44.ca​

Racquet Sports Club

​Have fun playing a variety of sports that use raquets such as tennis, badminton, and pickle ball.

​Jayden Oh & Haotian Gu

Mr. R. Langston rlangston@sd44.ca

Textile Club

​The Textiles Club is a fun, relaxing, welcoming space to create all sorts of fabric and yarn crafts. Join us to learn something new, or to work on your own projects. 
​Catie Hudson and Rachel MacDonald-Lin

Ms. J. Lowe

Room 1047
Ultimate Club
​The Ultimate! way to get involved with the sport of frisbee. Come out and throw around a disc, play some casual games, and meet some awesome new people.

​Brianne Tixier and Suriya Chiem

Mr. S. Pace space@sd44.ca​ and Ms. J. Clay​ jclay@sd44.ca

Gym or Field
Volleyball Club
​To enhance skill development and game play tactics in the sport of Volleyball for all grade levels.
​Bardia Fallah

Mr. M. Fenn mfenn@sd44.ca

Weightlifting Club

​Learn how to lift weights safely to get fit and healthy.
​Marty Zhang and Adam Weibe (Gr.12)

Mr. Langston rlangston@sd44.ca
​3:00-4:00 PM

Weight Room 2053

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École Handsworth Secondary

1033 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2A7 | 604.903.3600 604.903.3601 | handsworth@sd44.ca