École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District


​Ministry of Education Student Transcript Service

  • Where to find: Order transcripts and certificates - Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)
  • Used to order/send official transcripts electronically
  • Ministry Transcripts include only courses that have been completed however, students can give permission to send 'updates' which include courses in progress and interim marks.
  • You will need to know your PEN in order to create a BCeID. Your PEN is located on any NVSD issued report card, in the MyED portal or you can email bnesbit@sd44.ca​
  • Interim and Final marks are pushed from the school to the Ministry of Education – generally, within 14 days after Report Cards are published.


Linear System: 2024-2025 School Year

Publication Dates (subject to change):

Learning Updates Published
December 9, 2024
Learning Updates Published
March 10, 2025
Final Learning Updates PublishedJune 25, 2025


​Note: Please allow at least 14 days after publication dates for marks to be pushed to the Ministry of Education.

New this year, Eastern Post-Secondary Institutions (PSI's) can now receive both final and interim marks electronically using the Student Transcript Service. Previously Eastern schools could only see completed courses with final marks but that is no longer the case as long as the student gives permission for the PSI to receive transcript 'updates' - courses in progress and interim marks. 

Students who wish to give the PSI permission to receive final transcript marks and 'updates' (courses in progress with interim marks).

PSI selection in the Student Transcripts Service;

  • Select the PSI from the drop down menu XML or OUAC (Ontario). 
  • Select the 2nd option to “Send my transcript now and allow this Post-Secondary Institution to request transcript updates until the date specified below." 
  • Leave the authorization period set to the default date of one year *recommended

Once a student places the order, an XML or OUAC PSI can continue to request updates for the authorized period. As Handsworth pushes data to the Ministry, the PSI will see courses in progress and interim marks. We push data at least once a month.

For a list of PSIs that can receive transcripts electronically, visit the link below:

Province of BC Ministry of Education Order transcripts and certificates​

For a list of Ontario PSI's available for this service:

Ontario University applications are managed through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) 105 All Other Undergraduate Applicants - Ontario Universities' Application Centre (ouac.on.ca)




École Handsworth Secondary

1033 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2A7 | 604.903.3600 604.903.3601 | handsworth@sd44.ca