Handsworth Secondary School Career Centre is located in Room 1069
Check out the Career Centre Website for course information, assignments, resources and work opportunities: http://hsscareercenter.weebly.com/
Work Experience Facilitator
Ms. Catherine Pan 604-903-3615
Monday to Thursday from 08:15 to 14:45
Work Experience Teachers/Career Advisors
Ms. Sheri Johnson
Ms. Therese O'Connor
Career Development Programs Overview
The primary goal of career development programs is to help students prepare for the transition from secondary school to the world of work. Through work experience, students have the opportunity to observe and practice employ-ability skills required in the workplace, as well as technical and applied skills relating to specific occupations or industries.
Other goals include helping students to:
- Connect what is learned in the classroom with knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in the workplace
- Gain knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be successful in the world of work
- Develop job readiness skills for specific occupations and careers
- Understand the similarities and differences in behaviour standards between the workplace and school
Work Experience WEX12A or WEX12B (4 credit)
During Grade 11 and 12, students are placed with local employers in positions that align with their interest and future career goals. The community becomes the classroom where students gain experience in the workplace and are provided with a frame of reference to review or revise their career goals. Through employer assessment, students receive valuable feedback about their employ-ability skills and technical skills related to specific occupations.
Work Experience is comprised of pre-placement classroom assignments, placement activities including successful completion of 100 hours (minimum) at a community worksite(s), and post-placement assignments. Work Experience Teachers and the Work Experience Facilitator will work with students individually and in small groups to assist students with choosing and obtaining relevant and meaningful placements.
Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA)
Handsworth Secondary School offers Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) in conjunction with the Industry Training Authority (ITA). The Secondary School Apprenticeship program is designed for those students who are currently working part-time in a trade, under a certified Journey Person, or who know of someone who might hire them to work in a trade. It is possible for students to earn up to 16 credits while in school. Four credits are assigned for every 120 hours of work completed. These hours are also counted towards the total number of hours needed to become a journeyman in their chose trade. Trades are not what they use to be. If you are interested in seeing your hands-on child explore a trade, while in high school check out these sites: http://www.discovertradesbc.ca/ and/or www.itabc.ca
Steps to Success
The Steps to Success Program is a work experience program for students with special needs. This experience will help to prepare students for the transition from school to the workplace through activities that will raise their self-awareness, build employ-ability skills, and encourage career exploration and job readiness. Students are accompanied by a job coach at all times and receive additional school support. The Work Experience Teachers and Facilitator work with the student, employer and job coach to ensure a successful placement