École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
General Registration Forms
​​​Congratulations, you have been selected to represent the Handsworth Royals!  There are 6 key forms that need to be completed to finalize your registration.  Follow these steps, print the appropriate pages and return them to your coach.  You are ineligible to compete until your coach has these materials.  Good luck this season, proudly wear the Blue and Gold, I look forward to recognizing your many accomplishments throughout this season.

Mr. Lukas Reble
Athletic Director
There are 6 forms in total, this process should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.  Return these 6 items to your teacher sponsor​.
1.  Student code of conduct   Handsworth Student Athlete Code of Conduct.pdf
2.  Student awareness of risk    Student Awareness of Risk and Responsibility.pdf
3.  Informed consent Informed Consent.pdf   (Please see your teacher sponsor for a sport-specific copy.) ​
4.  Medical form   Student Medical Form.pdf
5.  Athlete Citizenship form   HSS - Athlete Citizenship form.pdf
6.  Concussion Guide for Parents and Caregivers Concussion-Parents-Caregivers.pdf
     Concussion Awareness Signoff Sheet Concussion Awareness Signoff Sheet.pdf
Please print, read, sign & return to your student's teacher sponsor, not to the main office.  


École Handsworth Secondary

1033 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2A7 | 604.903.3600 604.903.3601 | handsworth@sd44.ca