École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Grade 9 Immunizations

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​VCH Immunization Clinics are Open

2024-2025 Handsworth School Grade 9 Immunizations Clinics:
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Wednesday, June 11, 2025 (Catch up date for any students who miss the first clinic or require a second dose.)​

​Click HERE for information regarding the next Handsworth Grade 9 Immunization Clinic.

Vancouver Coastal Health has recently expanded the number of immunization clinics offering one-on-one appointments over the summer months.  VCH encourages any student, and in particular Grade 6 students who had their school based immunization clinic cancelled due to COVID-19, to book an appointment.  Please click HERE for more information.

​According to provincial policy, children will now be offered all antigens at school clinics.

Please complete and return the Immunization record to the school office as soon as possible.

This will greatly help in preparing consent forms and in avoiding confusion regarding vaccines your student requires.

Public Health Nurse
Child and Youth Team
Phone:  (604) 983-6863
Fax:  (604) 983-6883

Public Health Nurse
Maria Gul, RN BScN
Early Years Program
Central Community Health Centre
132 W. Esplanade, 6th Floor
North Vancouver, V7M 1A2

Telephone:  778-886-8520
E-mail:  maria.gull@vch.ca
Office Hours:  Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

For more information regarding Grade 9 Immunizations please visit HealthLinkBC.


École Handsworth Secondary

1033 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2A7 | 604.903.3600 604.903.3601 | handsworth@sd44.ca