École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Royals Hot Lunches


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Handsworth Royals Hot Lunches 2024 - 2025​

Order your Semester One Royals Hot Lunches using this Munch a Lunch link.
Hot Lunch - ordering for Session 2 is OPEN
The following content is shared on behalf of the Handsworth Parent Advisory Council.

Hot Lunch Update:  Session 2 February 3 to June 19, 2025 ordering is open!

Ordering for our Royals lunch program is now open and ordering will stay open for the remainder of the school year. Monies raised go towards buying items for all our sports activities – and the PAC has been able to fund such items such as football helmets, transportation to offsite games and practises, new uniforms, nets, balls, and so much more! Our Handsworth athletes have performed incredibly well last year and with your support we can continue this momentum! 

Place your Royals Hot Lunch order using this Munch a Lunch link making ordering is easier than ever!

Royals Hot Lunch delivery dates once a week on select Mondays and Thursdays.
​Questions?  Email munch@handsworthpac.ca 

2024 - 2025 Royal Lunch ​
​January 20
​January 30

​Royal Lunch Session 2
​February 3
February 13
​February 20
​February 24

March 6
​​March 10
March 31

​April 10
April 14
April 24
​April 28

​May 8
​May 12
​May 22
May 26

​June 5
​June 9
​June 19

Click on the "contact us" option in Munch a Lunch or email munch@handsworthpac.ca with any Munch-a-Lunch ordering questions.

Handsworth PAC​


École Handsworth Secondary

1033 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2A7 | 604.903.3600 604.903.3601 | handsworth@sd44.ca