École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
About Us

​The Handsworth Secondary School Association (HSSA)/ Handsworth Parent Advisory Council (HPAC) is the voice of parents at Handsworth. Members include parents and guardians of all Handsworth students.

The purpose of the HPAC is to represent parents with the goal of supporting student success and building a strong community. We promote a positive partnership between home and school with clear and open communications. We work towards enhancing the educational experiences and resources for our students and fostering the well-being of students and families in our Handsworth community.

We are guided by and support the Handsworth School Vision

"The Handsworth community develops empowered, innovative and compassionate learners who serve and lead with curiosity and integrity."

What we do

Hold regular meetings, with staff and student guests, to connect parents to what is going on at Handsworth and to provide a forum for discussion of school and educational issue:

When we meet

Executive meetings are held one week prior to the scheduled HPAC during which the agenda for the general meeting is set. If you have any concerns, issues or ideas that you would like to raise at a future HPAC meeting, please get in touch with one of our executive members so it can be discussed and put on the agenda.

HPAC generally meets every third Monday at 7:00 pm.  

Come to a HPAC Meeting or event.  Contact chair@handsworthpac.ca.  An invitation will be sent to you via email. Connect via Zoom with other Handsworth parents, catch up on what's going on at the school, and provide your input and ideas on how parents can support student success at Handsworth.

There are no meetings in December and March. The meeting in May (AGM) is the third Monday.

HPAC is looking for parents/guardians interested in volunteering to support the hot lunch program on Tuesdays, Thursdays and or Fridays.  For as little as one hour per week, this is a great way to get involved at the school.  Training will be provided.  You will meet other parents/guardians and have the opportunity to be in the school at lunch time.  Over the years hot lunch fundraising has provided support to our athletics programs.  Please contact munch@handsworthpac.ca to volunteer.

Handsworth PAC is looking for Executive Members 

We're on the hunt for fresh faces to join our school's dynamic team! Imagine being part of a vibrant community where every voice matters. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just eager to lend a hand, there's a role for you in supporting the future of our school.

Joining our team means you'll have a say in the decisions that directly impact our children's education. Whether you're passionate about boosting school spirit or curious about budgeting, there's an opportunity for you to make a difference.

Think of us as a community potluck, where each dish brings its own flavour to the table. Whether you're a fundraising guru, social media expert, an event planning enthusiast, or simply eager to learn, we welcome your unique talents. Together, let's create a brighter tomorrow for our school and our kids!

If you are interested in volunteering on the 2024-2025 Handsworth PAC now is your time to reach out to the nomination committee. We are especially in need of people with financial experience however all positions are open.

Please email chair@handsworthpac.ca for more information.

Subscribe to Handsworth PAC Newsletter for Parents

HPAC communications will be sent out to parents through Mailchimp.  All current Handsworth parents/guardians are encouraged to subscribe online to stay informed and get involved.​

Handsworth Parent Advisory Council (HPAC) Executive
2024 - 2025 Handsworth PAC

Chair, Candace Storm     chair@handsworthpac.ca

Vice Chair, vacant

Co-Treasurer, Carmen Jensen      treasurer@handsworthpac.ca 

Co-Treasurer, Shannon Harris      ​treasurer@handsworthpac.ca​

Secretary, Liudmyla Kolos


Members at large, Angela Santoro and Jessica Wong


École Handsworth Secondary

1033 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2A7 | 604.903.3600 604.903.3601 | handsworth@sd44.ca