École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
News Item

Superintendent's K-12 Mask Update

April 01, 2021


March 31, 2021

Dear Students, Parents/Guardians and Staff,

Earlier this week Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry amended the existing provincial public health orders. The strengthened orders and guidelines are in effect through April 19, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., and details are included in this news release.

Since that announcement, the Ministry of Education and BC Centre for Disease Control have been working on updating their respective K-12 health and safety guidelines (see the Resources section at the end of this letter), specifically focusing on mask wearing:

Effective immediately, all K-12 staff and all students in grades 4 to 12 will be required to wear non-medical masks in all indoor areas, including when they are at their work stations/desks, both within and outside of their learning group.

In a grade 3/4 combined class, the mask requirement applies to all students (including those in grade 3).

The mask requirement does not apply to staff or students in the following circumstances:

  • to a person who cannot tolerate wearing a mask for health or behavioural reasons;

  • to a person who is unable to put on or remove a mask without the assistance of another person;

  • if the mask is removed temporarily for the purposes of identifying the person wearing it;

  • if the mask is removed temporarily to engage in an educational activity that cannot be performed while wearing a mask (e.g. actively playing a wind instrument, engaging in high-intensity physical activity, etc.);

  • if a person is eating or drinking;

  • if a person is behind a barrier; or

  • while providing a service to a person with a disability or diverse ability (including but not limited to a hearing impairment) where visual cues, facial expressions and/or lip reading/movements are important.

Students in kindergarten to grade 3 are strongly encouraged to wear a mask indoors in schools – both within and outside of their learning group – though mask wearing remains a personal or family choice for these students.

Students will be able to remove their masks while outside, including at recess, lunchtime and while learning outside. As the weather improves, we anticipate teachers will continue to look for opportunities to move their classes outside.

While the amended provincial public health orders are in effect until April 19, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., there is no expiry date associated with the Ministry of Education updated mask guidance. However, the Ministry of Education will continue to work with Public Health to determine if further changes are required for health and safety reasons.

Starting tomorrow, we ask that you send your child to school in a clean mask and with a spare mask. Schools will have disposable masks available if students forget their mask.

We acknowledge that students in grades 4-7 may not be used to wearing masks in class. Therefore, teachers will spend the next few days helping students to adjust to this change.

Lastly, please keep in mind that masks remain one layer of protection. To keep each other safe, we must continue to:

  • Use the Daily Health Check before arriving at school (students and families, click HERE for the link).

  • Stay home when feeling ill.

  • Practice diligent and frequent handwashing.

  • Practice physical distancing when possible, even outdoors.

  • Spend time close to home with members of our own household.

  • Adhere to province-wide restrictions.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation, understanding and patience as we work to operationalize these very recent changes. The actions we collectively take will help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, keep our schools open and keep our students and staff safe.

With appreciation,

Mark Pearmain

Superintendent, North Vancouver School District



*In the case of any variance between the Provincial COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings and the BCCDC Addendum, schools and school districts will follow the health and safety guidelines outlined in the former.

Welcome Back - School Information for September 4 & 5, 2018

August 30, 2018

September 4th and 5th School Opening Day Information

Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

Grade Assemblies & Schedule Handouts

                        9:00am                  Grade 8s  - Report to the Large Gym to Meet Leaders

                        9:15am                  Grade 8s  - Report to Homerooms (30 min)

 9:50am                  Grade 8s  - Report to Large Gym for Assembly

                        10:05am                Grade 9s  - Report to Homerooms (30 min)

                        10:40am                Grade 9s  - Report to Large Gym for Assembly

                        10:55am                Grade 10s - Report to Homerooms (30 min)

                        11:30am                Grade 10s – Report to Large Gym for Assembly

                        11:45am                Grade 11s - Report to Homerooms (30 min)

                        12:20pm                Grade 11s – Report to Large Gym for Assembly

                        12:35pm                Grade 12s - Report to Homerooms (30 min)

                        1:10pm                   Grade 12s – Report to Large Gym for Assembly


You will be able to access Student Fee Invoices online effective October 1, 2018.

School Cash Online home page https://sd44.schoolcashonline.com/

Wednesday, September 5th, 2018

                         8:30am - 8:45am              All Grades report to your Homeroom

                         8:50am                               Regular Classes Begin

                         Throughout the Day        Students Called for School Photos

                          3:00 pm                             Dismissal

Student Medical Alert

It is extremely important that we have the medical information as required.

If your child is a "Medical Alert" please provide details by completing a comprehensive form available from the Main Office or through our website.  Please have it filled out by your child's physician and returned to the Main Office or fax it to the school at 604.903.3601.  A supply of his/her medication and food (e.g. snacks and juice for diabetics) if needed will be kept in the Main Office, clearly labeled.



Locker assignments have changed to an on-line system, details will be provided in homeroom.

Grade 8 students will receive a new lock

Grade 9 to 12 students are encouraged to bring their own lock.

2018-2019 Student Opening Day Info, First 2 days of School.pdf

Letter to Handsworth Parents & Guardians: Update Regarding School Evacuation | June 14, 2018

June 14, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians of Handsworth Secondary,

Handsworth_Logo_06142018-02.jpgSubject: Update regarding school evacuation

Following up to communication from the North Vancouver School District, I have some important information I would like to share to address and alleviate any concerns you may have.

This morning the school administration was notified of a threat to the health and well-being of the school community.  Following district protocols, our district Safe and Caring Schools team was notified and the RCMP were called. 

The RCMP determined, out of an abundance of caution, that it was necessary to evacuate the school.  Shortly thereafter it became apparent that substantial time would be needed for the RCMP to deploy their resources and conduct a thorough investigation of the building.  At 10:15am, it was decided that students would be released from school and classes would be cancelled for the remainder of the day.

To ensure the safe and timely transport of students away from the school, local public transportation was notified to run additional bus services throughout the Edgemont area, and staff assisted any students who required support with transportation home.

The RCMP has completed a thorough sweep of the building and have determined it is safe.  The safety of our students and staff remain our top priority and, as always, we take incidents such as these very seriously. I am appreciative of the assistance and support provided to us by the North Vancouver RCMP.

We look forward to all students attending school on Friday, June 15th and anticipate a return to the productive learning environment that is reflective of the Handsworth school experience. Individual teachers will connect with their classes to re-schedule any year-end assessments that were interrupted. All students are asked to report to Period 2 at 8:30am tomorrow morning to gather any belongings that were left behind in classes. We will resume the regular Day 2 rotation starting with Period 6 at 8:40am.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with regards to this incident. If you have any further questions or feel your child may require additional support in maintaining their sense of safety at school, please feel free to contact me by email at rsamra@sd44.ca


Rupi Samra-Gynane, Principal

The Handsworth Community develops empowered, innovative, and compassionate learners who serve and lead with curiosity and integrity.

Letter to Handsworth Parents & Guardians | June 14, 2018

June 14, 2018

June 14, 2018

Handsworth_Logo_06142018.jpgDear Handsworth Parents and Guardians:

RE: Bomb threat at Handsworth Secondary on June 14, 2018

This morning, the North Vancouver RCMP responded to a bomb threat at Handsworth Secondary. Students and staff were evacuated from the school at 9:25am so the police could conduct their investigation.

Emergency Student Release:

Students were released at 10:15am to accommodate the RCMP investigation.

I would like to thank the RCMP for their prompt attention to this incident. As well, we thank students and staff for their cooperation during the evacuation and release.

A threat of this kind is a serious matter, and we encourage anyone with more information on the matter to contact the RCMP, or anyone on our staff.

Thank you.

Letter to Handsworth Families | April 18, 2018

April 18, 2018

Handsworth_Logo_04182018.jpgDear Handsworth Families:

I wanted to share some information about a rumour that has been circulating within the Handsworth school community regarding a school shooting. We have determined the source and have information from the students involved confirming that the rumours are unfounded. Social media has not helped us discourage the spread of misinformation.

The RCMP have been notified of the details and the process we have followed. The RCMP has indicated the threat level is low. Our school liaison officer is scheduled to be on-site tomorrow on an unrelated matter.

In light of the recent Florida tragedy, and upcoming anniversary of the tragic Columbine school shooting, I want to acknowledge that you and your family may have questions and/or heightened anxiety. If you feel your child may require additional support please do not hesitate to contact the school or contact me directly at rsamra@sd44.ca.


Rupi Samra-Gynane, Principal

The Handsworth Community develops empowered, innovative, and compassionate learners who serve and lead with curiosity and integrity.