École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
​Band Teacher    David Bradshaw
Strings Teacher​ and
Junior Blue Jazz Teacher     Sab Kabok

For more information on these or any other roles in the HMPA,   Please contact Mr. David Bradshaw at dbradshaw@sd44.ca or Mr. Sab Kabok at skabok@sd44.ca.

​Handsworth Music Positions 
​HMPA Co-Chair
Ashley Drummond

​HMPA Co-Chair
​Amanda Nichol

​Bottle Drive Lunch Coordinator


​​ Handsworth Music Positions
Ashley Drummond
​Amanda Nichol
​Administrative Support
Bottle Drive Coordinators
​Bottle Drive Helpers
​Bottle Drive Lunch Coordinator
​Programs and Posters
​Sweet Music Chair

​Sweet Music Coordinators

​Sweet Music Assistants

​Uniform Coordinator
​Uniform Assistant
​Volunteer Coordinator
​General Volunteers