École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Career Life Education 10


Career Life Education helps students prepare to be lifelong learners who can adapt to changing career opportunities. Through activities and course assignments students discover that successful career and education paths require planning, evaluating and adapting. Students also explore how a network of family, friends, and community members can support and broaden their career awareness and options. Career Life Education 10 applies to all students. 

Students must complete Career Life Education 10 in order to satisfy graduation requirements.

Ministry of Education BC's New Curriculum

Career Life Education (formerly Planning 10):  https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/career-education/all/career-life-education

  • Career-life choices are made in a recurring cycle of planning, reflecting, adapting, and deciding.
  • Career-life decisions are influenced by internal and external factors, including local and global trends.
  • Cultivating networks and reciprocal relationships can support and broaden career-life awareness and options.
  • Finding balance between personal and work life promotes well-being.
  • Lifelong learning fosters career-life opportunities.