École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Careers 8

Health and Career Education 8 is integrated into PE 8, Humanities 8, and Applied Skills 8 at Handsworth. The required curriculum provides students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will assist them in making informed decisions related to their health, education, and future careers. Through the various lessons, students will develop their understanding of their growing personal responsibility for attaining and maintaining their overall health and well-being, and for identifying and exploring their education and career goals. 

​Career Education 8

​Introduction to surveys on myBlueprint
​BC 's new curriculum:  https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/career-education/8/core

​Careers 8 is delivered in small group class visits rather than an individual course. Each student will receive a report card comment during the year and a final grade in June. If you have any questions about Careers 8 please send a message to Ms O’Connor on Teams.

This year, Ms. O’Connor will visit English 8/Humanities 8 classes to introduce students to surveys on myBlueprint.​